Jan 19

Временен свободен достъп до база данни

Classiques Garnier Numérique publishes databases on French literature and language, especially useful for studies of literature, languages, linguistics, philosophy, theology, history and history of science. Among the resources of the catalogue – here attached – are several corpus of literature, many dictionaries, one encyclopedia, monographies and the all the collections of Éditions Classiques Garnier, perpetually updated with the new books coming out.
Many search functions are available with databases, all in text mode (except for the Larousse and Patrologia graeca) and entirely searchable. Special tools are offered to the libraries : posters, user-guide, self-guided tours, Marc records, access to usage Statistics, all from our Internet website.

At the beginning of 2010, we would be happy to organize with you a free trial test on these. Among the resources available, the latest published are :

Great Corpus of French and Francophone literature, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, –Literary Criticism, the 19th century,
Writings on Art, from the 18th to the 20th century,
The Revolution and the Empire, by the writers and historians of the 19^th century,
Editions Classiques Garnier online collections and updates
The Great Universal Dictionary of the 19th century by Pierre Larousse

Please do not hesitate to contact us for setting up a trial test.

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