Електронни ресурси на свободен достъп по социални и хуманитарни науки Ресурсите са представени по отделните дисциплини на социалните и хуманитарни науки, като най-отпред са представени тези, които обхващат всички или няколко дисциплини. Във всеки раздел те са обединени в три групи : * библиографски бази данни; Представените ресурси са с международен обхват и на най-ползваните езици. Те са строго подборни и оценени като най-качествени според специализираните издания и служат като “отправна точка” за откриване на сайтове на отделни институции. Ресурсите се актуализират периодично. Социални и хуманитарни науки (общо) 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки и др. Гуманитарное образование http://www.humanities.edu.ru/ Федеральный образовательный портал – Экономика, Социология, менеджмент http://www.ecsocman.edu.ru/ Arts and Humanities Data Service http://www.ahds.ac.uk/ British Academy Portal http://www.britac.ac.uk/portal.cfm DARE: Directory of Social Science http://www.unesco.org/unesdi/index.php/eng/repertoire/tous.2 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) http://www.esrc.ac.uk/ H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online http://www.h-net.msu.edu/ Hathi Trust http://www.hathitrust.org/ Infomine: Social Sciences & Humanities http://infomine.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/search?liberal Infomine visual & performing arts http://infomine.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/search?arts Intute: Arts and Humanities http://www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/redirect.html Intute: Social Sciences http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences MELISSA http://www.melissa.ens-cachan.fr/ Persée : portail des revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales http://www.persee.fr/ Questia http://www.questia.com Social Psychology Network Social Science Reseach Network http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/displayabstractsearch.cfm SocioSite http://www.sociosite.net/index.php The Voice of the Shuttle http://vos.ucsb.edu/ 2. Библиографски бази данни УИС РОССИЯ http://www.cir.ru/index.jsp CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN ONLINE LIBRARY http://www.ceeol.com/index.aspx INION http://www.inion.ru/ включва материали по всички отрасли на социалните и хуманитарни науки и е с международеун обхват Oxford Scholarship Online http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/index.html Библиографски бази данни по обществени, хуманитарни и др. науки. Абстрактите и речника са на свободен достъп Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research http://gsociology.icaap.org/methods/ 3. Eлектронни текстове Athena – Texts in various languages (mainly English and French). Searchable by author, title, keyword, subject, language. Separate sections on French texts, Swiss texts, science and mineralogy http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/html/ Bartleby – Classics of literature, nonfiction, and reference. Searchable within categories (fiction, verse, reference, non-fiction), and by author, title, or subject http://www.bartleby.com/ Electronic Text Center – Over 5,000 publicly accessible texts on history, literature, philosophy, religion, history of science, in English and in other languages (including Latin, Japanese and Chinese). Based at the University of Virginia http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ Electronic Text Service: Off-Campus Resources – Includes lists of major Internet text collections. Arranged by language and arranged by subject. ETS is a research and instructional facility of the Columbia University Libraries http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/ets/offsite.html Oxford Text Archive – Scholarly electronic texts and linguistic corpora across the range of humanities disciplines, with emphasis on resources of interest to those working in the literary and linguistic disciplines (including modern and ancient languages) http://ota.ahds.ac.uk/menu/index.html Библиотечно-информационни науки 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки и др. EBLIDA http://www.eblida.org/ European Library (Europe’s national libraries) http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/portal/libraries/map_en.html IFLA – “The global voice of the library and information profession” http://www.ifla.org/II/libdoc.htm Internet Library for Librarians – Wide range of profession-related links, U.S. orientated http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/ Library Associations – World listing from IFLA, coordinated by ALA http://www.ala.org/ala/iro/intlassocorgconf/libraryassociations.cfm Library schools – Prof Tom Wilson’s world list http://informationr.net/wl/ The Researching Librarian 2. Информация за текущи събития: Current Cites – Information technology in libraries http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/CurrentCites/ Information science conferences worldwide http://www.conferencealerts.com/library.htm 3. Дигитални библиотеки : Academic Info: Digital Libraries – Online Publications, Exhibits, Documents & Journals http://www.academicinfo.net/digital.html DELOS – European Union funded research http://www.delos.info/ The European Digital Library http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/portal/index.html ICT Challenge 4: Digital libraries and content http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/challenge4_en.html IFLA – Digital libraries resources and projects http://www.ifla.org/II/diglib.htm i2010: Digital Libraries Initiative http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/index_en.htm The World Digital Library http://www.wdl.org/en/ 4. Библиографски бази данни Российский Информационно-Библиотечный Консорциум http://www.ribk.net/ British library catalogues on the web http://www.bl.uk/catalogues/listings.html Catalogue collectif de France (French Union Catalogue) http://ccfr.bnf.fr/portailccfr/jsp/index.jsp German Libraries Online http://www.hbz-nrw.de/produkte_dienstl/germlst/index-engl.html http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk.html http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/unbisnet/index.html WorldCat (OCLC) http://www.worldcat.org/ Virtual International Authority File http://viaf.org/ 5. Електронни текстове InformationR.net – Prof Tom Wilson’s list of freely accessible journals and newsletters http://informationr.net/fr/freejnls.html Култура. Културно-историческо наследство Информ Культура http://infoculture.rsl.ru/ European Cultural Portal http://ec.europa.eu/culture/portal/index_en.htm European Institute For Comparative Cultural Research http://www.ericarts.org/web/index.php Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe http://www.culturalpolicies.net/web/index.php Cultural Heritage Search Engine http://www.culturalheritage.net/ Culture.fr: le portail de la culture http://www.culture.fr/ Culture.info http://www.culture.info Culturelink Network http://www.culturelink.org/ Global Gateway : World Culture and Resources http://international.loc.gov/intldl/intldlhome.html HEREIN (European Heritage.network) http://www.european-heritage.net/sdx/herein/ INCD (International Network for Cultural Diversity) http://www.incd.net/ PADI – Preserving Access to Digital Information. Subject gateway to international digital preservation resources http://www.nla.gov.au/padi/ UNESCO cultural portal http://portal.unesco.org/culture/ По-важни проекти за опазване и достъп до културното наследство в библиотеки, музеи и архиви BRICKS (Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services) http://www.brickscommunity.org/ EPOCH (European Network of Excellence in Open Cultural Heritage) http://www.epoch-net.org/ EUROPEANA http://dev.europeana.eu/ MINERVA EC (Ministrial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitalization) http://www.minervaeurope.org/ – Competence Centers – Digitisation Guidelines – DLF (Digital Library Federation) 2. Библиографски бази данни вж базите данни, включени в Информ Култура и Culturelink Network 3. Електронни текстове Postmodern Culture http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/pmc/ Философия. Психология 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки и др. The American Philosophical Association Hippias: Limited Area Search of Philosophy on the Internet Noesis: Philosophical Research On-line Psych Web Psychologie Information 2. Библиографски бази данни 3. Електронни текстове Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/ Социология 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. The British Sociological Association 2. Библиографски бази данни 3. Електронни текстове The Socjournal – A New Media Journal of Sociology and society Политика. Международни отношения. Международни организации 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. CORDIS (Community Research & Development Information Service) – The gateway to European research and development http://cordis.europa.eu/en/home.html Politische Bildung – Das Informations – Portal zur politischen Bildung The European Union On-line Facts on International Relations and Security Trends (FIRST) http://first.sipri.org/ International Relations and Security Network ISN http://www.isn.ethz.ch/ Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – CICC http://www.iccnow.org/?mod=osce Politik Portal – Das deutschsprachige Nachrichtenportal für Europapolitik Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) http://www.sipri.org United Nations http://www.un.org/english/ WebDoc IEP http://doc-iep.univ-lyon2.fr/accueil.html 2. Библиографски бази данни 3. Електронни текстове Foreign Affairs Online Икономически науки 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Agora21, le site francophone du développement durable Econ Biz Economics Network Subject and Theme Index EH.Net Economic History Services Eldis Eurostat Management best practice | Business Link RFE RIME : Ressources sur Internet en Management et en Economie 2. Библиографски бази данни IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research 3. Електронни текстове EconPapers Institute of Economic Affairs International Monetary Fund Правни науки 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Access ToLaw Criminocorpus : le portail sur l’histoire des crimes et des peines Infolaw Laws Online Online-Law.de World Legal Systems 2. Библиографски бази данни The Global Legal Information Network j Free databases alphabetical 3. Електронни текстове Социални грижи. Социално осигуряване 1.Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research ippr – Institute for Public Policy Research Policy Library Research in Practice Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP) Social Security Web Sites Around the World Youth Information Home World Bank PovertyNet 2. Библиографски бази данни Social Care Online 3. Електронни текстове Community Care Magazine Образование 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Braintrack CNDP Deutsche Bildungsserver Eurydice – Information on Education Systems and Policies in Europe Phi Delta Kappa International TES – FREE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS BY TEACHER 2. Библиографски бази данни BEI British Education Index 3. Електронни текстове BERA – British Educational Research Association Current Issues in Education ECRP: Early Childhood Research and Practice Етнология 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. EVIFA Société d’ethnologie française SEF Изкуство. Архитектура. 1.Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. The Getty Research Institute ART-Guide Artcyclopedia: the Fine Art Search Engine Kulturlink.com 2. Библиографски бази данни Agence photographique de la Réunion des musées nationaux http://www.photo.rmn.fr/ The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) http://www.imdb.com/ Patrimoine numérique. Catalogue des collections numérisées http://www.numerique.culture.fr/pub-fr/index.html Езикознание. Литературознание 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Ethnologue : languages of the world http://www.ethnologue.com/ iLoveLanguages – Your Guide to Languages on the Web http://www.ilovelanguages.com/ Linguistics Research Center http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/lrc/ Playservice.net – The website for plays in translation http://www.playservice.net/ Yamada language guides http://babel.uoregon.edu/ 2. Библиографски бази данни www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/ssg/ling_contents_en European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) http://ebsees.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/ 3. Електронни текстове WESSWEB: Electronic Text Collections in Western European Literature – a project of the West European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries.This page lists Internet sources for literary texts in the Western European languages other than English История 1. Търсачки, портали, указатели, виртуални библиотеки. Academic info history gateway Best of History Web Sites Clio-online HDS (History Data Service) History Guide NG http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/History_n2/a.html The Labyrinth: Resources for medieval research Zeitgeschichte-online 2. Библиографски бази данни E-chronologie.org 3. Електронни текстове Encyclopedia MYTHICA |