Кон­ку­рс­ни­ят из­пит по анг­лийс­ки език се про­веж­да в рам­ки­те на изу­ча­ва­ния в сред­но­то об­що­об­ра­зо­ва­тел­но учи­ли­ще лек­си­ко-гра­ма­ти­чен ма­те­ри­ал, раз­ши­рен до ак­тив­но­то вла­де­ене на ези­ко­ви уме­ния на ни­во Advanced. Из­питът се със­тои от дик­тов­ка, тес­то­ва част и пис­ме­но за­да­ние.

Дик­тов­ка­та е от ху­до­же­ст­вен текст и има за цел да про­ве­ри до­кол­ко кан­ди­датът пра­вил­но възпри­е­ма анг­лийс­ка­та реч и вла­дее ос­но­ви­те на ан­глийс­кия пра­во­пис.

Тес­то­ва­та част се със­тои от след­ни­те ком­по­нен­ти:

Reading Comprehension: не­ху­до­же­ст­вен текст с обем око­ло 800 ду­ми, със за­да­де­ни 10 смис­ло­ви въп­ро­са и от­го­во­ри в мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант – A, B, C, D.

Vocabulary Test: не­ху­до­же­ст­вен текст с 15 праз­ни по­зи­ции и пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант – A, B, C, D.

Grammar Test: 15от­дел­ни из­ре­че­ния с пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант на изо­ли­ра­ни гра­ма­тич­ни еле­мен­ти – A, B, C, D.

Paraphrase: 10 от­дел­ни из­ре­че­ния с пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант на пе­риф­ра­за – A, B, C, D.

Пис­ме­но­то за­да­ние включ­ва че­те­не с раз­би­ра­не на къс не­ху­до­же­ст­вен текст, вър­ху кой­то кан­ди­да­ти­те тряб­ва да на­пи­шат ко­мен­тар с обем 200–220 ду­ми.

Кан­ди­дат-сту­ден­ти­те тряб­ва да се ов­ла­де­ли прак­ти­чес­ки след­ния гра­ма­ти­чес­ки ма­те­ри­ал:

Член: Оп­ре­де­ли­те­лен и не­оп­ре­де­ли­те­лен. Ос­нов­на упот­ре­ба. Чле­ну­ва­не при собстве­ни име­на, ге­ог­ра­фс­ки наз­ва­ния, абстра­кт­ни съ­ще­ст­ви­тел­ни.

Съ­ще­ст­ви­тел­ни име­на: фор­ми, об­ра­зу­ва­не и упот­ре­ба.

Мес­то­и­ме­ния: лич­ни, по­ка­за­тел­ни, въп­ро­си­тел­ни, при­те­жа­тел­ни, не­оп­ре­де­ли­тел­ни, възврат­ни, от­но­си­тел­ни.

При­ла­га­тел­ни име­на: об­ра­зу­ва­не, сте­пе­ну­ва­не и упот­ре­ба.

На­ре­чия: ви­до­ве на­ре­чия. Об­ра­зу­ва­не, сте­пе­ну­ва­не и упот­ре­ба.

Пред­ло­зи и упот­ре­ба­та им.

Чис­ли­тел­ни: брой­ни и ред­ни.

Гла­гол, ви­до­ве гла­го­ли: пре­ход­ни, неп­ре­ход­ни; гла­гол­ни връз­ки; спо­ма­га­тел­ни (be, do, have, мо­дал­ни гла­го­ли), без­лич­на и възврат­на упот­ре­ба.

Ос­нов­ни фор­ми на гла­го­ли­те: пра­вил­ни и неп­ра­вил­ни гла­го­ли.

Не­лич­ни гла­гол­ни фор­ми (ин­фи­ни­тив, ге­рун­дий, при­час­тия).

Гла­гол­ни вре­ме­на: прос­ти, продъл­жи­тел­ни, пер­фе­кт­ни фор­ми и упот­ре­ба.

Стра­да­те­лен за­лог на гла­гол­ни­те вре­ме­на.

Съг­ла­су­ва­не на вре­ме­на­та. Пря­ка и неп­ря­ка реч.

Сло­во­ред и струк­ту­ра на прос­то­то из­ре­че­ние. Мяс­то­то на пря­ко­то и неп­ря­ко­то допъл­не­ние, на обс­то­я­те­л­стве­ни­те пояс­не­ния за на­чин, мяс­то и вре­ме.

Сло­во­ред и струк­ту­ра на сложното из­ре­че­ние. Слож­ни със­тав­ни и съ­чи­не­ни из­ре­че­ния. Глав­ни и под­чи­не­ни из­ре­че­ния. Свързва­щи и въ­веж­да­щи еле­мен­ти.

Въп­ро­си­тел­ни из­ре­че­ния.

Ус­лов­ни из­ре­че­ния.

Ем­фа­тич­ни струк­ту­ри.




She went on, talking somewhat at random, now of the recent past, then of their first meeting and their marriage; but presently I began to a fairly coherent picture of their lives; and it seemed to me that my surmises had not been incorrect. Mrs. Strickland was the daughter of an Indian civilian, who on his retirement had settled in the depths of the country, but it was his habit every August to take his family to Eastbourne for change of air; and it was here, when she was twenty, that she met Charles Strickland.

He was twenty-three. They played together, walked on the front together, listened together to the nigger minstrels; and she had made up her to him a week before he proposed to her. They lived in London, first in Hampstead, and then, as he more prosperous, in town. Two children were born to them.

„He always seemed very fond of them. Even if he was tired of me, I wonder that he had the heart to leave them. It’s all so incredible. Even now I can hardly believe it’s.“

At last she showed me the letter he had written. I was curious to see it, but had not ventured to ask for it.

William Somerset Maugham: The Moon and Sixpence


Read the extract and choose the right answer to each of the ten questions below.

Shopping in London, England

Shopping in London and shopping centres where you can find bargains and spend your hard earned money are covered here. We will concentrate on main London shopping streets and places that you are most likely to visit.

The best known street for shopping in London is Oxford Street. It is the most famous street in London where you can buy souvenirs, clothes, and so on. The good news about shopping at Oxford Street is that so many big retailers are represented here that you will be spoilt for choice. The bad news is that you may have to be prepared to struggle from store to store.

During the busiest times so many people are milling around that the street looks like an anthill. No matter which day you choose to come here your shopping will be hampered by masses of shoppers.

To avoid the worst of the crowds you have to be an early riser and come between 9 am and 10 am – Saturdays and Sundays are bad no matter what time of day it is – when most of the other London shoppers are either in bed or having breakfast. The nearest tube stations are: Marble Arch, Bond Street, Oxford Circus or Tottenham Court Road.

The second London street that you are most likely to visit to do your shopping is Regent Street. With Oxford Circus tube station on one end, and Piccadilly Circus on the other, this street is packed with all kinds of shops.

The main reason for us mentioning this one is the Hamley`s store. Hamley`s is every child`s dream come true. Packed with all kinds of toys this shop will make a hole in your pocket from demands from your children.

Just off Oxford Street, less known and less crowded, but more expensive are New Bond Street and Old Bond Street. These streets have designer shops ready to dazzle you. Most stores have a doorman who is there to open the doors for you, smile at you and wish you a nice day.

The main difference with these two streets compared with Oxford Street is the friendliness of staff working there and the price of the things they will try to sell you. So if you are looking to buy designer clothes, expensive furniture, paintings, or maybe go to an auction then this is the right place for you to be in.

Near these two London streets is Savile Row. The one and only thing they do here is to make and sell you clothes; especially custom-made shirts and suits for men. For a „good“ suit you will have to make a reservation up to six months in advance and pay up to 20,000 pounds.

Where can you have a tailor-made suit:

A. Oxford Street

B. Old Bond Street

C. Savile Row

D. Regent Street

Where are you most likely to find a good bargain:

A. Oxford Street

B. Old Bond Street

C. Savile Row

D. Regent Street

What do you have to do if you want to avoid the crowds in Oxford Street.

A. go on Saturday or Sunday

B. go in the afternoon

C. get up early

D. go anytime Monday to Friday

If you want to buy children’s toys, you have to get off at:

A. Picadilly Circus

B. Marble Arch

C. Victoria Station

D. Tottenham Court Road

Old Bond Street is:

A. More well-known than Oxford Street

B. Cheaper than Oxford Street

C. Has more shoppers than Oxford Street.

D. None of these

London’s most popular shopping street is:

A. Regent Street

B. New Bond Street

C. Savile Row

D. Oxford Street

New Bond Street and Old Bond Street are:

A. similar

B. different

C. cheap

D. far from Oxford Street

If you take your children to Hamley’s, this will:

A. make them dream

B. drive them crazy

C. seriously lower your budget

D. drive you crazy

You can find an auction in:

A. New Bond Street

B. Old Bond Street

C. both

D. elsewhere

Oxford Circus is close to:

A. Regent Street and Tottenham Court Rd

B. New Bond Street and Bond Street

C. Savile Row and Oxford Street

D. Oxford Street and Regent Street


Choose the option that best completes the meaning.

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

The Roman Catholics were angry and (1) …… James I. In Queen Elizabeth’s (2) …… they had been widely hated. Although most of them were loyal (3) …… of the Queen, there were some who plotted to help Philip of Spain to (4) …… England and make it a Catholic country once more. Severe laws were made against the Catholics. They had to attend the Church of England or pay a heavy fine. Catholic church services were forbidden, and anyone found conducting or attending one could be (5) …… to death.

The Catholics hoped that James would put an end to these severe laws; but to their disappointment, the king did (6) …… to help them. There was a certain Catholic gentleman called Mr. Robert Catesby who thought that the most important thing of all was that England (7) …… become Catholic again. His plan featured (8) …… the Parliament with all the leaders in it. (9) …… a house near the Parliament with Guy Fawkes in charge, they dug a tunnel from its cellar to the House of Lords. They (10) …… in 36 barrels of gunpowder and covered them with firewood.

In October a man named Tresham was let into the secret, so that, when the time came, he could act as one of the leaders of the rebellion. (11) …… at what was to happen, and (12) …… to warn certain of his relatives who were members of the House of Lords, he wrote a letter (13) …… the plot.

Fawkes was seized and tortured, but he bravely refused to give his companions (14) …… . They tried to stir up a rising but some were (15) …… shot down, others wounded, taken to London, tried and executed.

A. disappointed of B. disappointed by C. disappointed with D. disappointed at

A. rein                      B. Rules                    C. reign                       D. Power

A. Objects                B. Subjects               C. nationals                D. Voters

A. win                       B. abolish                 C. conquer                  D. Vindicate

A. Tried                    B. sued                     C. Convicted              D. Sentenced

A. a few                   B. little                       C. a little                      D. Few

A. could                   B. Would                   C. Might                       D. Should

A. blowing off         B. blowing away     C. blowing up             D. blowing down

A. borrowing           B. renting                  C. loaning                   D. Hiring

A. counterfeited     B. blackmailed        C. poached                 D. Smuggled

A. worried                B. alarmed               C. Feared                    D. Upset

A. anxious               B. alarmed               C. hurried                    D. Worried

A. Enclosing           B. Informing             C. Disclosing              D. Releasing

A. in                          B. up                          C. off                            D. Away

A. ultimately            B. Eventually           C. Currently                D. sooner or later


Choose the correct option:

Jason took this photograph of me while I ……

A. was not looking

B. did not look

C. had not looked

D. has not looked

It is no use …… about the forthcoming elections.

A. worrying

B. to be worrying

C. to worry

D. to have been worrying

The witness needn’t …… the question if she does not want to.

A. to answer

B. answer

C. answering

D. answered

My mother always said I …… not talk to strangers.

A. ought

B. would

C. shall

D. must

Think carefully before …… the correct answer.

A. to choose

B. to be choosing

C. choosing

D. to have chosen

You look terribly wet, …… in the rain again?

A. have you been walking

B. you have been walking

C. have you walked

D. you have walked

She …… that job since 1970.

A. is having

B. has had

C. had

D. has

The bridge ……, it’s not ready yet.

A. was being built

B. is being built

C. has been built

D. is built

Danny …… continue his father’s business after he finished college.

A. was used to

B. was supposed to

C. was believed to

D. was suggested to

Archibald wouldn’t have met his future wife if he …… on that voyage.

A. didn’t go

B. wasn’t gone

C. hadn’t gone

D. hasn’t gone

The polo team will leave as soon as they …… their passports.

A. will get

B. had got

C. would get

D. get

Andy could hear the door …… no matter where in the house he was.

A. to be opened

B. to be opening

C. to open

D. open

This file …… all the relevant documents.

A. is containing

B. contains

C. has been containing

D. is contained

I …… of meeting him for lunch , but I decided against it.

A. could have thought

B. have thought

C. had thought

D. have been thinking

My daughter says she …… to be a lawyer when she grows up.

A. has wanted

B. wanted

C. wants

D. had wanted


Choose the option that best matches the meaning of the sentences in bold.

John started working for Microsoft 2 years ago.

A. John is working for Microsoft for 2 years.

B. John was working for Microsoft for 2 years.

C. John has been working for Microsoft for 2 years.

D. John will be working for Microsoft for 2 years.

Tom didn’t realise the bracelet was so valuable. He gave it away.

A. If Tom realised the bracelet was so valuable, he wouldn’t give it away.

B. If Tom had realised the bracelet was so valuable, he wouldn’t have given it away.

C. If Tom had realised the bracelet was so valuable, he wouldn’t give it away.

D. ‑If Tom hadn’t realised the bracelet was so valuable, he wouldn’t have given it away.

Danny didn’t come to the concert last night. Obviously he had forgotten about it.

A. He must have forgotten about the concert.

B. He couldn’t have forgotten about the concert.

C. He would have forgotten about the concert.

D. He might not have forgotten about the concert.

Jenny was not up to the standards of the interview, but she managed to do well.

A. ‑Although Jenny was not up to the standards of the interview, she managed to do well.

B. ‑Despite Jenny was not up to the standards of the interview, she managed to do well.

C. ‑In spite of being up to the standards of the interview, Jenny managed to do well.

D. ‑In spite of not up to the standards of the interview, Jenny managed to do well.

The students believe that Professor Thompson got the Pulitzer Award in 1982.

A. Professor Thompson was believed to get the Pulitzer Award in 1982.

B. Professor Thompson is believed to have got the Pulitzer Award in 1982.

C. Professor Thompson was believed to have got the Pulitzer Award in 1982.

D. Professor Thompson is believed to get the Pulitzer Award in 1982.

When Andy had read the article he started writing his report.

A. No sooner Andy had read the articlethat he started writing his report.

B. No sooner had Andy read the articlewhen he started writing his report.

C. No sooner had Andy read the articleas he started writing his report.

D. No sooner had Andy read the articlethan he started writing his report.

I spent my childhood in a small village. Now it has grown into a big city.

A. The village where I spent my childhood has grown into a big city.

B. The village, that I spent my childhood into, has grown into a big city.

C. The village, which I spent my childhood, has grown into a big city.

D. I spent my childhood in a small village, that has grown into a big city.

The jury discussed the case for two hours. They found the defendant not guilty.

A. ‑After having discussing the case for over two hours, the defendant was found guilty.

B. ‑The defendant was found not guilty after having discussed the case for two hours.

C. ‑After discussing the case for two hours, the defendant had been found not guilty.

D. ‑After having discussed the case for over two hours, the jury found the defendant not guilty.

‑‑The board refused to approve the new policy and this caused much trouble at the marketing department.

A. ‑The board refusal to approve the new policy caused much trouble at the marketing department.

B. ‑The board refusing to approve the new policy caused much trouble at the marketing department.

C. ‑The board’s refusal to approve the new policy caused much trouble at the marketing department.

D. ‑The boards’ refusing to approve the new policy caused much trouble at the marketing department.

James submitted his resignation and he doesn’t regret it.

A. James doesn’t regret to submit his resignation.

B. James doesn’t regret submitting his resignation.

C. James doesn’t regret to have submitted his resignation.

D. James doesn’t regret to be submitting his resignation.


Read the text and provide a comment on the question below (200–220 words).

Humanity is facing an energy crisis and we will have to do something about it, and quickly. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are rapidly running low. One problem is that fossil fuels are far too valuable to waste on electricity production. Therefore nuclear power is the only alternative so far. If we decide we want to make investments in research, we can then be ready to meet the challenges of the future. Lately there have been protests against nuclear power plants, maybe because there are people who are always ready to protest, but the reality is nuclear power plants are not as dangerous as some people imagine. In fact, fossil fuel power plants are much more dangerous to the environment creating clouds of air pollutants. Since we all understand we need power for all our needs that should mean we understand we need the power plants and their energy. Can you try to imagine what the world would be like without electricity and how we could indeed survive?


Mark your answer sheet correctly and do not write on your examination sheets. Fill in the oval completely. Fill only one oval.

























































Ме­то­ди­чес­ки ука­за­ния

За ус­пеш­но­то по­ла­га­не на кан­ди­да­тс­ту­де­н­тския из­пит се пре­поръч­ват след­ни­те фор­ми на под­го­тов­ка:

‑‑ За дик­тов­ка­та е не­об­хо­ди­мо да се пра­вят сис­тем­ни уп­раж­не­ния с ог­лед на раз­ви­ва­не­то на уме­ни­е­то за пис­ме­но възпро­из­веж­да­не на слу­хо­во възпри­е­та реч. Умест­ни са и вся­как­ви уп­раж­не­ния за си­гур­но ов­ла­дя­ва­не на анг­лийс­кия пра­во­пис.

‑‑За тес­то­ва­та част е не­об­хо­ди­ма под­го­тов­ка вър­ху учеб­но съдър­жа­ние на ни­во Advanced.

‑‑За пис­ме­но­то за­да­ние е пре­поръ­чи­тел­но да се пра­вят уп­раж­не­ния с че­те­не на текст и пи­са­не на ко­мен­тар вър­ху не­го в ука­за­ния обем.


За под­го­тов­ка­та на кан­ди­дат-сту­ден­ти­те мо­же да се из­по­лз­ва след­на­та ли­те­ра­ту­ра (ос­вен учеб­ни­ци­те по анг­лийс­ки език за гим­на­зи­а­лен курс):

1.   Грън­ча­ров, М. Write and Translate. Плов­див: Нан­си, 2000.

2.   Leech, Geoffrey. An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage. Longman.

3.   Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate/ with CD-ROM. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

4.   Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press, 2005.

5.   McCarty, Michael. Felicity O’Dell English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate). Cambridge University Press, 2003.

6.   McCarty, Michael. Felicity O’Dell English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced). Cambridge University Press, 2003.

7.   Yule, George, Oxford Practical Grammar (Advanced). Oxford University Press, 2006.

8.   Plovdiv University – 5 Admission Tests in English – Book 1 and Book 2. Context Publishers, 2008

Пре­поръч­ва се съ­що че­те­не на ори­ги­нал­на ху­до­же­ст­ве­на и не­ху­до­же­ст­ве­на анг­лийс­ка и аме­ри­ка­нс­ка ли­те­ра­ту­ра пре­дим­но от XX и XXI век.

Оцен­ка­та от по­ло­жен дър­жа­вен зре­лос­тен из­пит по анг­лийс­ки език се при­рав­ня­ва към при­ем­ния из­пит, ка­то се ум­но­жи с ко­е­фи­ци­ент 0.8. Ня­ма да се при­е­мат оцен­ки от ма­ту­ра 3.60 и по-нис­ки.

За­бе­леж­ка: За спе­ци­ал­нос­ти­те, изиск­ва­щи при­е­мен из­пит по анг­лийс­ки език, се приз­на­ват ка­то оцен­ка от из­пит след­ни­те из­пи­ти или сер­ти­фи­ка­ти:

‑‑С по­ло­жен ва­ли­ден (към юли 2009 г.) из­пит TOEFL, ка­то точ­ки­те се при­рав­ня­ват към при­ем­ния из­пит съг­лас­но със след­на­та таб­ли­ца:

Прием за специалностите с английски език към Филологически Факултет ще се извършва:

1.С приемен изпит по английски език

2.С положена матура по английски език; оценката се приравнява към приемния изпит, като се умножи с коефициент 0.8. Няма да се приемат оценки от матура 3.60 и по-ниски.

3.С положен валиден (към дата на КС изпит – юли) изпит TOEFL, като точките се приравняват към приемния изпит съгласно следната таблица:





































































4.С положен валиден изпит Cambridge както следва:

  • Proficiency: A – 6.00, B – 6.00, C – 5.80
  • Advanced: A – 6.00,  B – 5.60,  C – 5.30
  • First Certificate: A – 5.00,    B – 4.50,   C – 4.00

5.С положен валиден (към дата на КС изпит – юли) изпит IELTS, като резултатите се приравняват към приемния изпит по следната схема:

9 – 6.00 7.5 – 5.10 6 – 4.20 4.5 – 3.30
8.5 – 5.70 7 – 4.80 5.5 – 3.90 4 – 3.00
8 – 5.40 6.5 – 4.50 5 – 3.60

6. С положен валиден изпит Pearson (London) Test of English както следва:

  • Level 5: A – 6.00, B – 5.80, C – 5.60
  • Level 4: A – 6.00,  B – 5.50,  C – 5.00

Забележка: Ре­зул­та­ти­те от из­пи­ти­те TOEFL и IELTS след­ва да бъ­дат по­лу­че­ни от Плов­ди­вс­кия уни­вер­си­тет, Фи­ло­ло­ги­чес­ки фа­кул­тет, ка­тед­ра „Анг­лий­ска фи­ло­ло­гия“, по офи­ци­а­лен инс­ти­ту­ци­о­на­лен път. Кан­ди­да­ти­те с из­пи­ти Cambridge при по­да­ва­не на до­ку­мен­ти тряб­ва да предс­та­вят ори­ги­на­лен до­ку­мент и да при­ло­жат фо­то­ко­пие.

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