Trieste Next – Festival of Scientific Research

Trieste Next – Festival of Scientific Research
12th Edition – „A New World. Science, culture and Innovation for a Sustainable Future“

International Academy Fellowships
Trieste (Northeastern Italy) – 22-24 September 2023

Dear students,

We are pleased to inform you that applications are now open for the Trieste Next International Academy fellowships, a 3-day intensive program that will take place in Trieste on September 22-24, 2023, on the occasion of the 2023 Edition of the Festival of Scientific Research, promoted by the Municipality of Trieste, the University of Trieste and ItalyPost.

The Academy Program is specifically designed for BA, MA and PhD students and offers the possibility to attend the 12th Edition of Trieste Next, thus granting access to:

  • over 60 talks, conferences, workshops with renowned scientists, researchers and professionals
  • 3 special sessions on artificial intelligence/robotics, medical sciences and biotechnologies
  • guided tours and visits to renowned science research centres based in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
  • full board accommodation with bus transfers throughout the duration of the event

The Trieste Next International Academy is open to international English-speaking students and will take place from September 22 (Friday) to September 24 (Sunday). All activities will be held in English.

Final deadline to submit your application: 30 July 2023

For more information click here.

Стажант за Енергийна агенция Пловдив

Уважаеми студенти,
Акредитирана Лаборатория за изпитване на твърди биогорива и компост към Енергийна агенция Пловдив търси стажант за летния период.
Изсквания към кандидатите: базови познания по Аналитична химия, Инструментални методи и пробоподготовка.
За повече информация:
Ани Иванчева
Телефон: 0893368690

Представяне на БИОВЕТ АД, гр. Пещера

Уважаеми студенти,

на 25 май 2023 г. (четвъртък) от 12:45 часа в 12 аудитория
ще се проведе представяне на фирма Биовет АД, гр. Пещера.
Служители от фирмата ще представят възможностите за работа и платени стажове.