PhD Position in Optical Sensors

PhD Position in Optical Sensors
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

A position in developing of new optical sensing molecules is available at the Laboratory of Physical Organic and Computational Chemistry. The investigations are part of the Bulgarian-Swiss Joint Research Project “Tautocrowns” (Wirz-Antonov-Fromm) and the collaboration with the Free University of Amsterdam, University of Roskilde and Humboldt University of Berlin in the field of tautomeric compounds.
New state-of-the-art spectral equipment (UV-Vis-NIR, Fl, IR and NMR) is available. Training and research at the partner universities will be provided as part of the PhD program (up to 6 months in the University of Basel and possibly up to 1 year in the Laser Centre, Free University of Amsterdam). The training and research program is flexible and will be based on the candidate abilities. There are possibilities for spectral studies, synthesis, quantum-chemical calculations and advanced data processing.
We are looking for well motivated person with BSc/MSc degree in Organic /Analytical/Physical/Computational Chemistry, reasonable English (language course is provided) and computer literacy.
Institute of Organic Chemistry is an equal opportunity employer. Female researchers are especially encouraged to apply.

The deadline for applications is September, 25
(Institute of Organic Chemistry, BAS).
For more information contact Dr L.Antonov