Лекции по Приложна радиационна физика

Имам удоволствието да ви поканя да присъствате на цикъла лекции по Приложна радиационна физика, които ще изнесе професор Диана Адлиене от Технологичния университет в Каунас, Литва, на 12 юни 2013 г. от 11 часа в зала „Компас“.

Анотации на темите
1. Current developments and future of medical radiation physics
Summary: medical radiation physics is a branch of applied radiation physics dealing with application of physical methods in medical field for examination, treatment and protection of patients. Overview on current developments, new methods and their applications in the field as well as research trends in medical radiation physics will be presented.

2. Methods of patient dosimetry
Summary: It is well known that even small irradiation doses can be harmful for individuals due to radiobiological response of living cells to the transferred amount energy and may cause radiation induced cancer. Assessment and monitoring of ionizing radiation doses to patients, to personnel and to environment is one of the most important subjects in medical radiation physics. Different dose measurement and evaluation methods (ionization chambers, thermoluminescence dosimetry, film dosimetry, gel dosimetry, optically stimulated dosimetry, and semiconductors) will be discussed in this lecture focusing on physical origin of these methods.

3. Struggling for proper doses
Summary: According to ALARA principle the doses to individuals should be kept as low as reasonable achievable, except radiation therapy where the main task is to treat the cancer. Dose optimization and adjustment to biometrical data of individual patients is a big challenge for personnel but is possible in both fields of application: in radiology and in radiotherapy. An overview of dose optimization methods will be given in the lecture along with discussion, how optimization could be implemented combining knowledge from different scientific fields (physics, biology, medicine, chemistry…)

4. Kaunas University of Technology: education and research

Category: Лекции
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