Address and email:
Department of English and American Studies Plovdiv University 24 Tsar Assent St 4000 Plovdiv Bulgaria e-mail: yanarowland1977@abv.bg
Филологически факултет. Катедра “Английска филология”. Доктор по научната специалност 05.04.06. – Литература на народите на Европа, Америка, Африка, Азия и Австралия. Главен асистент по английска литература от май 2009 г. Родена в гр. Пловдив през 1977 г. Завършила ГЧЕ “Иван Вазов”, гр. Пловдив през 1995 г. Наградена със златен медал от Международната Ученическа Олимпиада по Руски Език и Литература, ИРЯЛ “А. С. Пушкин”, Москва 1995. През 2000 завършва с пълно отличие ПУ “Паисий Хилендарски” със специалност “Руски език и английски език”. Защитава дипломна работа в областта на английската литература на 19 век (The Functions of Nature in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights). Стипендиант на The George Soros Institute (1996-1999 – разработка на дипломна работа), както и на The Round Table Club Bulgaria (1999-2000 – високи академични постижения). През 1999 г. (февруари-май) специализира Английска литература на 19 в. в King’s College London UK. През 2006 г. защитава дисертация на тема The Treatment of the Themes of Mortality in the Poetry of the Brontë Sisters /публикувана същата година от УИ “Паисий Хилендарски”/. От 2007 г. е лектор по история на английската л-ра, американска л-ра, стилистика на английския език във филиала на ПУ в гр. Смолян. Работи като хоноруван асистент по практически английски език в Пловдивския университет от 2000 г., а през 2007 г. постъпва като щатен асистен по Английска литература на 19 в. Понастоящем е лектор по Английска литература от периода на Викторианството. От 2006 г. предлага и факултативен курс с интердисциплинарна насоченост /The Human Factor: Modern European Existential Ethics & Hermeneutics in Studying English Literature: 18th-20th Centuries). Специализирала е в университетски центрове във Великобритания /Лондон – 1999, 2005 г.; Манчестър RICC – 2009 г; Шефийлд – 2009 – The Bakhtin Research Centre; Лафбъроу – 2008–2010 г.; Линкън – 2009 г.,/, както и в Държавния университет в Санкт-Петербург, Русия /1997, 2001 г./. Стипендиант е на: СУБ /2008 г. – Национална годишна награда за високи академични постижения на учен до 35 г. в областта на хуманитаристиката/; ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English – за проекта ‘The Aporetic Fear: Mourning as Self-Construction In English Poetry of the Victorian Age & the Early 20th-Century’) за академичната 2008-2009 г. Гост-преподавател във Великобритания /Лафбъроу, Линкън/. Неколкократно е участвала в Еразъм програмата за преподавателска мобилност /Великобритания/, както и в множество международни и национални конференции и семинари. Научни интереси: интердисциплинарни тематични взаимо-пресичания между англоезичната литература от периода 19-20 в. /поезия/ и европейска екзистенциална философия и херменевтика. Д-р Яна Роуланд е член на: The Brontë Society UK, The Tennyson Society UK, ESSE, както и на СУБ.
Professional qualification:
• Dates (from – to) |
Since May 2008 |
Principal Assistant Professor in English Literature, Plovdiv University Paisiy Hilendarski, 24 Tsar Assen St Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria |
May 2007 – April 2008 |
Lecturer in English Literature, Plovdiv University |
Feb 2004 – April 2007 |
Part-time lecturer in English, Plovdiv University Paisiy |
Sept 2003 – March 2003 |
Full-time GTP OTT Primary School Teacher, North Beckton Primary School, Harrier Way, London E6 5XG |
Aug 2001 – Aug 2002 |
Full-time SEN tutor, Gloucester Primary School, Daniel |
Oct 2000 – July 2001 |
Part-time lecturer in English, Plovdiv University |
• Main activities and responsibilities |
– English Literature of the Victorian Age, Core Module for 2nd-year Students (English, English & Bulgarian, English & Russian) |
Education: |
• Dates (from – to) |
2006 |
PhD, Plovdiv University |
2003 – 2005 |
Full-time & fully funded PhD, English Department, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Theme of PhD research: The |
March 2003 |
TEFL Certificate (grade A) – a teaching degree, Global English Distance Learning Centre, Global English, Exeter, Devon EX2 9NB |
August 2001 |
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English |
June 2000 |
(Plov MA (summa cum laude) , Plovdiv University, thesis: The Functions of Nature in Emily Brontë’s |
June 1995 |
Ivan Vazov Foreign Language High School, Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
Main Fields of Research:
– English Literature (chiefly poetry) 1780-1920; The Brontës, Tennyson, Hardy, Arnold, Christina Rossetti; Dickens, George Eliot; WWI British Poets;
– Modern European Existential Analytics & Hermeneutics (Heidegger, Levinas, Derida, Bakhtinm Ricoeur, Gadamer, Aries, Koselleck, Iser, Eco), not least in terms of its application in researching English literature 1780-1920.
Membership in Academic and Professional Institutions, Bodies and Organizations:
– The Tennyson Society, Lincoln, UK – since May 2008
– The Brontë Society, Haworth, UK – since January 2006
– BSBS (The Bulgarian Society for the Study of English, a branch of ESSE – The European Society for the
Study of English) – since 2007
– The Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – since 2003
– Editorial Board for the Scientific Research in Progress (Paissiy Readings Annual Conferences), Plovdiv University, Bulgaria
Professional and Academic Awards and Fellowships:
April 2008 – Annual Individual Support Grant, provided by the Research-in-the-Humanities Board of the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, for the two-year research project (until Dec 2009) entitled ‘The Aporetic Fear: Mourning as Self-Construction In English Poetry of the Victorian Age & the Early 20th-Century’
April 2008 – ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) Type B award for the research project entitled ‘The Aporetic Fear: Mourning as Self-Construction In English Poetry of the Victorian Age & the Early 20th-Century’ – the award was given for a research trip to a relevant research centre in the UK (i.e. The Bakhtin Centre at Sheffield University in 2009)
November 2007 – 1st Place Annual Award of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, given for Best Monographic Contribution to a Scholar in the Humanities under the age of 35 (for the monograph The Treatment of the Themes of Mortality in the Poetry of the Brontë Sisters)
May 2000 – Annual Award of the Round Table Club in Bulgaria, given to a Graduate Student with Particularly Original Academic Contributions (for the MA thesis The Functions of Nature in Emily Brontë’s Works)
July 2000 – ORS CVCP award (£ 5,300) allocated to the candidate to read for PhD at the Department of English, King’s College London; (the award and the PhD position were declined by the candidate for lack of additional financial resources)
June 1995– Gold Medal from the International Competition in Russian Language and Literature for Secondary School Students at the Alexander Pushkin Language Institute, Moscow, Russia (equivalent of an “excellent – 6.00” grade at the university admission exams in Russian Language in Bulgaria & Russia)
Participation in national and international projects:
5th May – 12th May 2012 – ERASMUS academic exchange with tutorial practice at the Department of
English & Drama at the University of Loughborough, UK (academic partners: Prof. Nigel Wood & Dr Catie Gill). Contact: e.a.hobby@lboro.ac.uk
15th-16th Oct 2011 – A Tennyson Colloquium at King’s College London UK (to do with the forthcoming volume on The Reception of Tennyson in Europe in 2013, for the Reception of British Authors in Europe, Funded by London School of Advanced Studies, organized b Prof. Elinor Shaffer, rbae2011@gmail.com)
9th-15th May 2010 – ERASMUS academic exchange with tutorial practice at the Department of English & Drama at the University of Loughborough, UK (academic partners: Prof. Nigel Wood & Dr Catie Gill). Contact: e.a.hobby@lboro.ac.uk
19th-22nd July 2009 – participation with a research paper at the Bicentenary Tennyson Conference at the University of Lincoln, UK. Topic of research: Death and the Limits of Cognition in Tennyson’s Early Poetry. Contact: Prof. Roger Ebbatson (Loughborough University) on: ebbatson@tiscali.co.uk or conferences@lincoln.ac.uk
16th– 20th March 2009 – ERASMUS academic tutorial experience at the Department of English & Drama at the University of Loughborough, UK (academic partners: Prof. Nigel Wood & Prof. Elaine Hobby). Contact: e.a.hobby@lboro.ac.uk
4th-17th Feb 2009 – Academic research at the Bakhtin Centre at the University of Sheffield, UK (academic partners: Professor David Shepherd and Professor Craig Brandist). Contact: c.s.brandist@sheffield.ac.uk
6th Feb 2009 – A day conference on Cosmopolitan Literature at The Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures – University of Manchester UK. Contact: galin.tihanov@manchester.ac.uk .
22 Feb – 2nd March 2008 – ERASMUS exchange for a PhD research presentation & direct teaching experience on BA & MA levels at the Department of English & Drama, University of Loughborough, England, UK (academic partner: Professor Marion Shaw).
Foreign Languages:
English |
Russian |
French |
Reading skills |
excellent |
excellent |
good |
Writing skills |
excellent |
excellent |
fair |
Verbal skills |
excellent |
excellent |
fair |