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Archive for February 4th, 2013
Славистична конференция
Feb 4
Покана за “Третата международна конференция на студентите-слависти”, която ще се проведе в Будапеща.
Bölcsé sz ettud omán yi Ka r
1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/D
Email: szhbk.elte@gmail.com
An invitation to participate at the conference
We would like to inform You that the Eötvös Loránd University’s Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Studies will be
holding on 25-26th April 2013 its
3rd Conference For Young Slavists In Budapest
Our university started its education in Slavonic studies in 1849. It got its international acclaim due to the work of Oszkár
Asbóth (1852-1920). During the 19th and 20th century quite a few departments started their work and then in 1991 through
the mutual cooperation of these the unified Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Studies was formed. In 2011 as a part of
honouring 20 years of its existence the First Student’s Conference was held. The Second Conference, held in April 2012,
was a great success. Since one of our basic ideas was to make the Conference a tradition we will hold our scientific
gathering this year as well.
The conference is an opportunity for students and PhD candidates to present their work. Our aim is to provide the possibility
for young students and researchers in the fields of Slavonic languages, literatures, history and culture to meet and
present their new findings in these topics. For these reasons we are inviting students and members of Slavonic departments
in Hungary and from abroad.
Presented works will be published online in a scientific journal. The organizers of the conference retain the right to modify
(after consultation) the content of the work or to deny publication if the work does not meet the academic standards
concerning its form, content or style.
The participants will give a presentation within maximum 15 minutes. The applicants will be given a deadline to submit
their applications which should contain an abstract of the presentation. These can be submitted to the organizers in any
Slavonic language.
The working language of the conference is any Slavonic language. The sessions will be headed and coordinated by the
students of our University.
The deadline for application is 15th March, 2013.
We would kindly ask those willing to participate to submit the application form provided with this invitation electronically
to szhbk.elte@gmail.com within the given deadline. You will be provided with a notification via e-mail that your
application has been received.
The applicants will be informed whether their topic and application has been accepted by 25th March 2013.
The participants will receive the official and detailed programme of the conference by 15th April 2013.
This year’s novelty is that participants at the registration are also bound to hand their work in electronic forms (MS
Word and PDF – both compulsory) and one printed copy as well. There are no space limitations.
We would like to declare that we do not posses the capacity to reimburse any travel, accommodation and food related
expenses. For questions regarding possibility of accommodation the person in charge is our student Péter Vékony
(vpeter89@mailbox.hu). The participation at the conference is free of charge.
We remain with our best regards on the behalf of the organizers:
Dr. Aleksander Urkom, Prof. Dr István Lukács, Zsófia Fabok
Head organizer Head of the Institute President of the Institute’s Students Committee