Desislava Ivanova Krusharova is a bachelor of Bulgarian language and Russian language. In 2008 on the day of its jubilee she participates in the Tenth student’s Olympiad in morphology of modern Bulgarian language where she wins first prize. Since then she has been a member of the Linguistic club. Twice champion in The National scientific conference for university students and holders of doctor’s degree Desislava takes its first prizes for the reports: “To the question of polysemantic usage of comparative adjectives in Bulgarian language” and ”A look on the condition of Bulgarian vocabulary in the beginning of XX century (based on materials from “Пъленъ руско-български речникъ” from 1914 “ * ). Her scientific interests are in the area of morphology, historical linguistics, stylistics. She is a member of the editorial board of the collections of reports from The National conferences for university students and holders of doctor’s degree (Plovdiv, 2006, 2007 and 2008); the reports are entitled: “Speech: images and reflections” and “Texts and readings”.
* Complete Russian – Bulgarian dictionary from 1914