Tanya Stankova Buchkova is a PhD student in ‘History of Modern Bulgarian Literary Language’ with scientific advisor Prof. PhD Diana Ivanova. She has graduated ‘Slavonic Philology – Serbo-Croatian Language’ and ‘Bulgarian and Modern Greek Language’ on the University of Plovdiv ‘Paisii Hilendarski’. She has worked as a tutor in Modern Greek language in the private professional college ‘Delta’, where being in charge of the European programmes she has been a creator of handbooksin Greek language (‘I am Singing in Greek’, ‘You Can Talk in Greek Now’), as well as an editor of a Greek-Bulgarian phrase-book ( ‘ALFA’ publishing house, Athens, 2008). She has been a scholarship student the universities of Belgrade and Yanina. Takes part in the work team for the compilation of the dictionary of the Bulgarian linguistic terminology (with references in English, German, French, and Russian language) as well as the editors’ team of the collection: ‘Speech- Images and Reflections, published in Plovdiv in 2008. Her scientific interests are in the field of Balkan linguistics, comparative linguistics and language history.
1. ‘Semantic comparison of Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian idioms, containing the conception ‘angel’ (concerning Polish language)’. Reports from national students readings in Veliko Tarnovo, 2005, pp.158-167.
2. ‘Semantic peculiarities of idioms with a negative verbal element in Bulgarian and Greek Language’-Works of the Scientists Union-Plovdiv, International scientific conference of young scientists, 2007, Plovdiv, Volume 9, Plovdiv, 2008, pp. 29-33.
3. Literary texts and translations in ‘Trud’ and ‘Maritsa’ newspapers and ‘Slavyanski Dialozi’ magazine.
Prizes won:
2002–a second prize for poetry translation from Serbo-Croatian;
2004-a first prize from the National students readings in Veliko Tarnovo (linguistics section);
2004-a second prize for poetry from the competition of ‘University of Plovdiv’ newspaper;
2007-a honorary diploma from the Balkan conference for young scientists for best performance of a young author;
2008-a second prize for poetry from the competition of ‘University of Plovdiv’ newspaper;
2008-a first prize of the University of Shumen;