Encho Tilev Tilev is a student in The University of Plovdiv ‘Paisii Hilendarski’ since 2007, studying Russian and German. He is a participant, and a winner in a few national olympiads and competitions in Russian: “Дружба языков – дружба народов” (Bulgaria – Russia, 2005); Россия – ее язык и культура в моей жизни” (Bulgaria, 2007); First international students fest „Друзья, прекрасен наш союз” (Poland, 2009); European Fest of Russian (Russia, 2009). In 2009 he wins a consolation prize for his extramural participation in the Eleventh National Conference for students and PhD students in Plovdiv, with his paper “Омографы как составная часть омонимики современного русского языкa”.
His scientific interests are in the field of general linguistics, morphology and syntax of modern Russian, comparative grammar of the Slavic languages, phonetics and phonology of modern German.
In 2009 The Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and The National agency of Student’s councils in Bulgaria give him the prize of Student of the year in the area of Humanities.