
Selected works (from 2000 till now)

Идентичност, разруха и носталгия – бележки върху балканската проза и кино след 1989 г.// Imperijalni okviri unjizevnosti i kulture. Knjiga II; (Otg. ur.Dragan Boskovic) – Kragujevac: Filolosko-umetnicki fakultet: Skupstina grada 2010, стр. 299 – 309.

Britons in the Bulgarian Countryside. Social and cultural aspects of adaptation and intercommunication. // Accession and Migration: Changing Policy, Society, and Culture in an Enlarged Europe. John Eade and Yordanka Valkanova (eds.), Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009, p.93-106.

Предизвикателствата пред българското съдържание в Европеана, (online), II Национална конференция “Българското съдържание в Европеана”, 1 – 2 Октомври 2010, Пловдив. Доклад http://www.emilstoyanovmep.eu/public/files/news/40/document_66.doc и презентация http://www.emilstoyanovmep.eu/public/files/news/40/document_65.ppt

Научни дигитални библиотеки, (online), І Международната конференция “Необходими стъпки за интегриране на България в европейското начинание “Европеана”, 23-24 април 2010, Пловдив. http://www.emilstoyanovmep.eu/public/files/news/2/document_11.doc

Literary and Critics Resourses.// High technology in Humanities. Sofia, 2009, p.38-56.

Другият до теб. (Ред. Ж.Иванов.). Антология от Югоизточна Европа. Изд. „Пигмалион”, Пловдив, 2007, 360 стр.

Ethnic Minorities, Nationality, History. (Editor Zhivko Ivanov), Proceedings and materials (electronic publishing), CD Vol.1-3, Plovdiv University Press, 2007.

Migration, Modern Nationalism and Nostalgia for Homeland in the Age of Globalization. (Ed. Zhivko Ivanov). Proceedings and materials, Plovdiv University Press, 2007, 252 pages.

Nostalgia or can you die of pain.// Stranica, Year VIII, 2007, Vo.1, p.91-100.

Melancholy (duing) and Patriotism (enlivening) [Notes on Bulgarian nostalgies].// Stranica (Page), Year X, 2009, p.181-192.

Balkan “specific” and integration. Workshop on Ethnic Minorities, Nationality, History, held at 18-20. October 2006, Plovdiv. British Fund project, collateral with Roehampton university, Universiyy of Florence and ASO (Austria). – Plovdiv workshop: Ethnic Minorities, Nationality and History, 18-20 October 2006. In collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria (contact: Prof. Zhivko Ivanov), and the Centre for Research in Nationality, Ethnicity and Migration, University of Surrey, UK (contact: Prof. John Eade)

Economic satisfaction and nostalgic laments: The language of the web and fora. The New Orders of Difference/ The Cultural Texts and Discourses of Economic Migration, 14-16 July 2004, De Siter, Ontario – London, 2006, 164-177.

Balkan: places, film narratives and nostalgia. Workshop on Ethnic Minorities, Nationality, History, held at 18-20. October 2006, Plovdiv. British Fund project, colateral with Roehampton university, University of Florence and ASO (Austria). – Plovdiv workshop: Ethnic Minorities, Nationality and History, 18-20 October 2006. In collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, and the Centre for Research in Nationality, Ethnicity and Migration, University of Surrey, UK.

Nostalgic experience in Kundera’s “Ignorance”. – Chekhs conference, Prague, 2005, 22-25 май. – Print: Scientific works of Plovdiv university. V.45, Book.1, 2000 – Philology, p.240+255.

Nostalgia in the Homeland: the Modern Bulgarian Identity and the Economic Migration of the Bulgarians. // In: Ed. Zhivko Ivanov, Migration, Modern Nationalism and Nostalgia for Homeland in the Age of Globalization, 2006, Plovdiv (fortcoming). Clash of Civilizations?: Migration, Modern Nationalism and Nostalgia for Homeland in the Age of Globalization (overview and abstracts). 5-7 April 2005 (GIPSC in collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria).

History, memory, tourism: the case of Bulgaria. // In: Cross Cultural Communication on the Balkan Peninsula. Ed. Prof. Al.Mikolajczak, Poznan, 2006.

Economic satisfaction and nostalgic laments: The language of the web and fora. The New Orders of Difference/ The Cultural Texts and Discourses of Economic Migration, 14-16 July 2004, London, Ashgate.

The Nostalgia as anthropological problem (towards Bulgarian literature in 19th and 20th Century. – Southwestern University, Anniversary conference, 3-4 December 2004, 2005, 332-340.

Benkovski and Botev via Borovan. The Poet and the Revolutionary . // Cultivate the Meaning. In honour of Radosvet Kolarov, Sofia, Ed. “Boyan Pevev”, 2004, p.244-262.

Toncho Zhechev and Bulgarian interpretation of “Bay Ganyo”. // Eternal Bulgarian passions . In honour of Toncho Zhechev. Sofia, Ed. “Boyan Pevev”., 2004, с.211-222.

“Under the Yoke” – stories and narratives. // The Testament Vazov. Sofia university publish house “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, 2002, p. 88-94.

Aleko Konstantinoff. Paris – France – Europe. // Reflets, I, V.5, Ex en Province, 2001, p.24-31. (in french)

The Orthography and Literature. (Writers vs. Professors).- The space of Language and Presence. Plovdiv university publishing, Plovdiv, 2002, p.85-91.

Fact and Narratives. (On the Vazov’s short stories). // Bulgarian Literature: Past and Presence. Shoumen university publishing, Shoumen, 2003, с.12-25.

The Images of Russia in Vazov’s works (in russian). (Transl. prof. V.D.Andreev). //Materials of ХХІХ international conference. Vol. 5. Sankt Peterburg, 2000, p.27-31.