General and Inorganic Chemistry with Methodology of Chemistry Education

By , March 11, 2007 11:49 am

1. Assoc. Prof. Vania Dimitrova Lekova, PhD – Head of Department
2. Assoc. Prof. Petya Emilova Marinova, PhD
3. Assoc. Prof. Antoaneta Anastasova Angelacheva, PhD
4. Assoc. Prof. Jordanka Petrova Stefanova, PhD
5. Assist. Prof. Galya Kostadinova Toncheva, PhD
6. Assist. Prof. Kirila Trifonova Stoynova, PhD
7. Assist. Prof. Pavel Rumenov Yanev, PhD
8. Milena Koleva Slavova, MSc
9. Petia Aleksandrova Petrova, MSc

  • Ternary and Multicomponent Complexes of Some Transition Elements – Synthesis, Characterization and Analytical Application
    Ternary and multicomponent complexes of some metal ions (vanadium(IV,V), molybdenum(VI), tungsten(VI), niobium(V), tantalum(V)) are obtained and studied from a point of view their analytical application.
    Assoc. Prof. V. Lekova, PhD
    Assist. Prof. K. Stoynova, PhD

    Selected publications:
    1. Gavazov K., Dimitrov A., Lekova V., “Application of tetrazolium salts in inorganic analysis”, Russian Chemical Reviews (Uspekhi Khimii), 76(2), (2007) 187-198.
    2. Dimitrov A., Lekova V., Gavazov K., Boyanov B., “Ternary complex of molybdenum(VI) with 4-nitrocatechol and tetrazolium blue chloride and its application to extraction-spectrophotometric analysis of ferrous metallurgy products”, J. Anal. Chem., 62(2), 2007, 122-125.
    3. Gavazov K., Lekova V., Dimitrov A., Patronov G., “The solvent extraction and spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) with 4-(2-thiazolylazo)-resorcinol and tetrazolium salts”, Cent. Eur. J.Chem., 5(1), (2007), 257-270.
    4. Lekova V., Gavazov K., Dimitrov A., “А Ternary Complex of Tungsten(VI) with 4-nitrocatechol and Thiazolyl Blue and Its Application for Extraction-spectrophotometric Determination of Tungsten”, Chem. Papers, 60(4), 2006, 283-287.
    5. Gavazov K., Lekova V., Patronov G., Turkyilmaz M. “Extractive-spectrophotometric Determination of Vanadium(IV/V) in catalysts using 4-(2-Pyridylazo)-resorcinol and Tetrazolium Violet”, Chem.Anal. (Warsaw), 51, (2006), 221-227.

  • Coordination chemistry
    Synthesis and structural characterization of N-containing heterocyclic compounds and their complexes with ions of transitional metals.
    Assoc. Prof. P. Marinova, PhD

    Selected publications:
    1. B. Shivachev, R. Petrova, P. Marinova, N. Stoyanov, A. Ahmedova, M. Mitewa, “Four cycloalkanespiro-4’-imidazolidine-2’,5’-dithiones”, Acta Cryst. C 62 (2006) 211.
    2. M. N. Marinov, N. Stoyanov,, G. Ivanova, “Study on the stability against oxidation of 3-methyl derivatives of spirohydantoins and spirodithiohydantoins”, Oxidation Communications, 28 (1) (2005) 126.
    3. M. Marinov, S. Minchev, N. Stoyanov, G. Ivanova, M. Spassova, V. Enchev, “Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and ab initio investigation of thioanalogues of spirohydantoins”, Croatica Chemica Acta, 78 (1) (2005) 9.

  • Methodology of Chemistry Education Increasing of the quality of modern Chemistry education and of the professional preparation of the students who are future Chemistry teachers
    The attention of the working group is focused on the development of approaches, methods, means, and organizational forms helping the forming and the development of skills specifically connected with Chemistry, of life-management skills, and skills of life-long learning in both school students and undergraduate students. Great attention is paid to the creation of textbooks and supplementary working materials for Chemistry education at secondary schools and also of materials used for the preparation of the future Chemistry teachers. There is certain scientific interest in the problems occurring during the education of adults from the disadvantaged groups of society who also have significant educational deficiencies.
    Assoc. Prof. Antoaneta Angelacheva, PhD
    Assoc. Prof. Jordanka Stefanova, PhD

    Selected publications:

    1. Angelacheva, A. “Ecological Education in the Process of Chemistry Education (9th grade). An author’s summary of her dissertation for gaining the educational and scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy”. Scientific adviser: E. Gergova, Plovdiv – Sofia, 2007
    2. Vasilev, V. , Dimova, Y., Kolarova – Kancheva, T. “Reflection – Theory and Practice”. Plovdiv, Marcos, 2005, p. 143
    3. Dimova, Y. et al “Teacher’s Reflection”. Plovdiv, Marcos, 2004, p.72 , p.23 from the appendix
    4. Panayotova, M., M. Minevska, S. Karakehayova. “Strategy in the Biology and Chemistry Education in Penitenary Conditions”. Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology. Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2005.
    5. Minevska, M., Y. Stefanova “The Life-skills Program and the International Assessment Program PISA.”, Chemistry book 2, 2007
    6. Authors team with the participation of E. Gergova and Y. Dimova. School materials (textbook, work book and teacher’s book) for Man and Nature (5th grade) and Chemistry (7th grade).

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