Lesson schedule – second semester of 2020-2021

Preparatory course

Students by the Decree №103 and №228

Second semester of 2020-2021

Group 1A – Sonya Ruseva
Tuesdaу – 16:30-18:00
Wednesday – 12:00-13:30

Group 2A – Sonya Ruseva
Friday – 15:00-18:00

Group 1B – Violeta Georgieva
Monday – 15:00-18:00
Friday – 15:00-18:00

Group 2B – Violeta Georgieva
Friday – 9:00-12:00


Bulgarian language course – beginners (A0)
Tuesday, 12:00 – 15:00
Google Classroom – https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTU3OTU1ODM3Mjgz?cjc=25ukcbr

Bulgarian language course – beginners (A1)
Mondayq 14:00 – 17:00
Google Classroom


Dear students,

In view of the specifics of the distance learning carried out in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to inform you that the annual exam session, which includes the State Exam in Bulgarian (for all groups), as well as the exams in Linguistics, Introduction to the specialtyInformation TechnologyMathematics and Biology, will be held in the period 8th  – 20th September 2020 (the exact dates will be announced later).

Students who have not successfully passed the semester exam in Practical Bulgarian Language should take a makeup (remedial) exam on August 28th .

All exams will be held at the university so be ready to attend them as scheduled in a particular seminar hall or auditorium, which will be announced later.

The State exam in Bulgarian  will contain two modules: written and oral. The evaluation will be carried out by an examination board. Immediately before the exam (from August 31st  to September 5th ) there will be a short intensive course (40 hours), during which the study material will be reviewed in order to facilitate your preparation. Your participation in this course is mandatory.

Students who for various reasons have not yet participated in the distance learning modules, should contact their lecturers in the  subjects they have enrolled into to discuss with them  how they should proceed to work out the  classes they have missed.

We wish you health and success!

Director of the Department:

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Krassimira Chakarova


Dear students,

Pursuant to Article 21 (1) of the Administrative Procedural Law and Article 32 (1) of thе Higher Education Law in connection with the State of Emergency on the territory of Bulgaria declared by the National Parliament  as of  13th  March 2020 and in connection with order RD-01 – 124 / 13.03.2020 issued by  the Minister of Health, the Rector of  Plovdiv University issued an order No P33-1328 according to which all the classes (lectures and seminars) are cancelled from 13th of March till 29th of March 2020.

Throughout this period the training will continue in the form of distance learning via electonic sources and means. Your lectureиs will provide you with detailed information and instructions on the issue.

We hope that the complicated situation will be overcome soon and look forward to seeing you back in Plovdiv.

Ве healthy!

Head of the Department,

Associate professor Ph.D  Krassimira Chakarova