The project aims to develop heterogeneous biocatalysts via immobilization of the enzymes catalase and/or peroxidase (haem – containing-enzymes) and to design on their basis rapid, highly selective and sensitive biosensing methods for analysis of water-insoluble organic peroxides, potentially present in pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food products. These methods are a promising alternative to the classic labour- and time consuming methods for analysis of organic peroxides in real objects.

The overall complexity of the problem requires interdisciplinary research efforts, part of which is the development of novel materials with precisely defined characteristics and their application in the development of electrochemical methods. The development and optimisation of electrochemical enzyme biosensors for determination of water-insoluble organic peroxides and hydroperoxides directly in an organic solvent (e.g. acetone, acetonitrile) is the final purpose. The developed laboratory prototypes will be tested in model solutions, and upon promising results – also for analysis of real objects.

Various electrochemical, spectral and other analytical techniques will be widely used in the performance of research tasks.

As a result of the implementation of the project are expected:

  • development of novel materials and biosensor prototypes;
  • noticeable educational effect due to the involvement of students from undergraduate and graduate programmes and doctoral candidates; and
  • creating favourable conditions for the career development of young scientists.