The maximum paper length is 10 standard pages (plus extra pages for Bibliography). Page layout: А4, standard margins – 2.5 cm (1″) on all sides. Pages must not be numbered.

The summary in Bulgarian must be sent in a separate file – 500 to 1000 characters (with spaces), Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10 pt., Line spacing: Single, Justified.

The texts must follow the model:

Title: Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold, Centered, All caps. Do not split the title by a manual line break! The title is followed by an empty line.

Author(s): Write the name and surname of the author (authors) – Times New Roman, 12 pt., Bold, Centered.

Affiliation: The full name of the institution (University, Institute) is written on a new line – Times New Roman, 12 pt., Bold, Centered, and followed by an empty line.

Title of the paper in English, followed by an empty line[1].

Author (s): Write the name and surname of the author (s) in English – Times New Roman, 12 pt., Bold, Centered.

Summary in English[2] (500 to 1000 characters (with spaces), Times New Roman, Size 10 pt., Single, Justified, without the word Abstract.

Keywords in English are written on a new line after the summary (following the word Keywords): Times New Roman, Size 10 pt., Normal, Single, Justified. No full stop is placed after the last keyword.

Text of the paper – Times New Roman, Size 12 pt., Justified, with paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm (0.49″), line spacing 1.5 lines. No extra space between paragraphs (Spacing – before, after – 0). The indent for a new line must be made by Paragraph, First Line, not manually (with tabs).

Footnotes are in Times New Roman, 10 pt., Justified, Single line spacing.

Tables and illustrations – tables, graphs and figures are numbered and placed where they are mentioned for the first time (not separately at the end of the text), Centered.

The English abbreviations i.e., e.g., as well as the Bulgarian т.е., т.нар., ед.ч., мн.ч., м.р., ж.р., ср.р. are written WITHOUT a space. Abbreviations with a numeric expressed by a digit are written WITH a space and NO point after the number, for example in English 3 p., or in Bulgarian 3 л., I спр., etc.

To indicate an omitted part of a quotation, use square brackets with an ellipsis – cf.: “Traditionally, the section on the verb also includes two types of verbal nouns […] – those formed with the formants -ne and -nie” (Kutsarov 2007: 125).

Bibliographic description:

  • The word Bibliography is written after the main text, preceded by an empty line, Small caps, Bold, Size 12 pt. (indented as a new line). It is followed by an empty line, and then the sources are presented in alphabetical order[3].
  • The bibliographic titles that are in Cyrillic should be transliterated into Latin according to the following model:

Monograph (or textbook):

  1. a) single-authored

Бояджиев/Boyadzhiev 2002: Бояджиев, Т. Българска лексикология. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2002. [Boyadzhiev, T. Balgarska leksikologiya. Sofia: UI “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 2002.]

б) co-authored

Бояджиев, Куцаров, Пенчев/Boyadzhiev, Kutsarov, Penchev 1998: Бояджиев, Т., И. Куцаров, Й. Пенчев. Съвременен български език. Фонетика. Лексикология. Словообразуване. Морфология. Синтаксис. София: Петър Берон, 1998. [Boyadzhiev, T., I. Kutsarov, Y. Penchev. Savremenen balgarski ezik. Fonetika. Leksikologiya. Slovoobrazuvane. Morfologiya. Sintaksis. Sofia: Petar Beron, 1998.]

If the reference in the text is from a co-authored book, the surnames of all co-authors must be indicated in brackets, e.g. (Boyadzhiev, Kutsarov, Penchev 1998: 105). If there are more than three co-authors, write the surname of the editor-in-chief or the first of the listed co-authors, and then “et al.”, cf.:

ГСБКЕ/GSBKE 1983: Граматика на съвременния български книжовен език. Т. 2. Морфология. Стоянов, С. и кол. София: Издателство на БАН, 1983. [Gramatika na savremеnniya balgarski knizhoven ezik. T. 2. Morfologiya. Stoyanov, S. et al. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na BAN, 1983.]

In case it is known which of the co-authors wrote the specific part of the book from where it is cited, the reference is: (Куцаров/Kutsarov, In: Бояджиев, Куцаров, Пенчев/Boyadzhiev, Kutsarov, Penchev 1998: 205).

Paper in edited volume or conference proceedings:

Ницолова/Nitsolova 2012: Ницолова, Р. За формалните промени при граматикализацията. // Езикът на времето. Сборник с доклади по случай 70-годишния юбилей на проф. д.ф.н. Иван Куцаров. Пловдив: УИ „Паисий Хилендарски“, 2012, 50 – 58. [Nitsolova, R. Za formalnite promeni pri gramatikalizatsiyata. // Ezikat na vremeto. Sbornik s dokladi po sluchay 70-godishniya yubiley na prof. d.f.n. Ivan Kutsarov. Plovdiv: UI “Paisii Hilendarski”, 2012, 50 – 58.]

Paper in Journal:

Грозева/ Grozeva 2017: Грозева, М. Българският език и е-поколението. // Българска реч, 2017, кн. 1, 13 – 20. [Grozeva, M. Balgarskiyat ezik i e-pokolenieto. // Balgarska rech, 2017, kn. 1, 13 – 20.]

Electronic Source:

Кирова/Kirova 2006: Кирова, Л. Интернационализация на разговорната реч чрез съвременните професионални социални сленгове. // Литернет, 13.03.2006[4], № 3 (76). <>, 19 февруари 2018[5]. [Kirova, L. Internatsionalizatsiya na razgovornata rech chrez savremennite profesionalni sotsialni slengove. // LiterNet, 13 March, 2006, № 3 (76). <>, 19 February, 2018.]

Падучева, http: Падучева, Е. В. Отрицание. // Русская корпусная грамматика. <>, 15 март 2019. [Paducheva, E. V. Otritsaniye. // Russkaya korpusnaya grammatika. < final_sbornik.pdf>, 15 March, 2019.]

If the bibliographic source is in a foreign language (in a Latin script), only the author’s surname is transliterated into Cyrillic, e.g.:

Crystal/Кристъл 1997: Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

When a bibliographic reference is made in the text, it is formed according to the following model:

This problem is discussed in detail in the grammar of I. Kutsarov (Куцаров/Kutsarov 2007).

If a quotation is used in the text, the page of the quotation in the original text comes after a colon followed by a space, e.g.: (Куцаров/Kutsarov 2007: 59).

When quoting foreign language sources in the text, the model is: (Crystal/Кристъл 1997: 123).

Foreign language sources in Latin (written in a language other than English) are not transliterated into Latin according to the model indicated here, but are preserved in the original. Only the author’s surname is transliterated in Cyrillic (see the example above).

Sources written in an alphabet other than Cyrillic and Latin are formatted as follows:

王玉/Wang Yu/Уан Ю 2012: 王玉。新华成语词典。北京:商务印书馆, 2012. [Wang Yu. Xinhua chengyu cidian. Beijing: Shangwuyinshuguan, 2012.]

If the original name of a bibliographic source is written in the old Bulgarian orthography before 1945, the final ers (ъ, ь) are NOT written in transliteration. The other specific graphemes are transliterated according to their modern sound. The same goes for Russian titles and names before the 1917 spelling reform.

The abbreviation of personal names in the bibliography (and in the text) must be with the first letter – cf. Стоянов, С. (instead of Стоянов, Ст.); Куцаров, И. (instead of Куцаров, Ив.), etc. The Cyrillic letters Ю and Я are transliterated in Latin as Yu and Ya.

Publisher names are NOT enclosed in quotation marks. The words “publishing house” are not written either, cf.: Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. Exceptions are the names of university publishers, e.g. Sofia: UI “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The sources from which the empirical material for the research is extracted (fiction, dictionaries, etc.) are introduced after the bibliography according to the following model:

Sources (Times New Roman, Small caps, Bold, Size 12 pt., new line indentation), followed by an empty line.

МЕ/МЕ[6]: M. Eliade. Nuntă în cer. Musătești: Tana, 2007. [М. Елиаде. Сватба в небето. Преводач: Л. Ненковска. София: Колибри, 2012.] [7]

The sources are also listed in alphabetical order.

Here is a model for transliteration of specific Cyrillic graphemes and grapheme combinations (from the Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian Cyrillic):


Ъ (in Bulgarian texts) А (български – balgarski; езикът – ezikat)

Изкл.: Bulgaria

Ъ (in Russian texts) (съезд – s”ezd; объект – ob”ekt)
Ж ZH (жесток – zhestok; нежност – nezhnost)
Ч CH (час – chas; учител – uchitel)
Ш SH (Пашов – Pashov; ботуш – botush)
Ц TS (Цветкова – Tsvetkova; здравец – zdravets)
Х H (хубава – hubava; махало – mahalo)
Щ (in Bulgarian texts) SHT (щастие – shtastie; нощем – noshtem)
Щ (in Russian texts) SHCH (Щедрин – Shchedrin)
Я YA (ябълка – yabalka; поляна – polyana; еволюция – evolyutsiya)

IA (в края на собствени имена, напр. София – Sofia, България – Bulgaria, Юлия – Yulia)

Ю YU (южнославянски – yuzhnoslavyanski; влюбен – vlyuben)
ЬО (in Bulgarian texts) YO (бульон – bulyon; Кольо – Kolyo)
ЙО (in Bulgarian texts) YO (Йовков – Yovkov; Стойо – Stoyo)
ë (in Russian texts) YO (ëлка – yolka; Королëв/Королев – Korolyov)
Ы (in Russian texts) Y (язык – yazyk; рыба – ryba)
ЫЙ (in Russian texts) YY (новый – novyy; старый – staryy)
ИЙ, ОЙ (in Bulgarian and in Russian texts) IY, OY (който – koyto; мой – moy; чий – chiy;

молодой – molodoy; царский – tsarskiy)

Ь (for expressing softness in Russian texts) ’ (апостроф) (словарь – slovar’;

лингвокультура – lingvokul’tura; речь – rech’)

Э (in Russian texts) Е (этот – etot)
Е (in Russian texts – at the beginning of a word or after a vowel) YE (если – yesli, моего – moyego)
Double consonants and vowels are transliterated literally (съвременният – savremenniyat; современный – sovremennyj; русский – russkiy; континуум – kontinuum)
Ш (in Serbian texts) š (крошња – krošnja)[1]
Њ (in Serbian texts) NJ (трешња – trešnja)
Ђ (in Serbian texts) DJ (ђак – đak)
Ћ (in Serbian texts) Ć (свећа – sveća)
Џ (in Serbian texts) (џезва – džezva)
Љ (in Serbian texts) LJ (љубав – ljubav; кључ – ključ)
Ј (in Serbian texts) J (папагај – papagaj; Шумадија – Šumadija)


In addition to the text of the paper, prepared in accordance with the technical requirements, BA, MA, and PhD students who have received the right to publish in the Annual, must send to the following documents:

  • a summary in Bulgarian;
  • a brief letter of opinion from their supervisor or academic advisor[9] that the paper is ready to be published.

If other fonts are used in the text, they should be sent as attachments to the e-mail address specified above, and the text should be sent both as a .doc or .docx file, and as a .pdf file.

Reports that do not meet the technical requirements will not be published.

Reports that have already been published in other editions will not published in the Annual.


[1] If the main text of the paper is in a foreign language, it is not obligatory to include a translated title in Bulgarian, nor transliterated in Cyrillic the name of the author(s) and their affiliation.

[2] It is important that the Bulgarian and English summaries are completely identical in terms of content.

[3] The order of the letters follows the Bulgarian alphabet. If the source is in a foreign language, its place is determined by the letter with which the author’s surname begins when transliterated into Cyrillic.

[4] Date of publication (if marked).

[5] Date of last visit.

[6] The indicated designation should be placed in brackets (ME/ME) after the example from this source cited in the text. The page from which the example was taken should not be included.

[7] In this case, the source is a book by a Romanian author, and its Bulgarian translation is in brackets.

[8] Serbian Cyrillic is transliterated into Serbian Latin.

[9] This refers not only to the research supervisors of the doctoral students, but also to the lecturers who have consulted the BA and MA students awarded the first, second and third prizes.